Trainers' Feedback
Trainers' Talk
"Hello, I'm Trainer A from XXX who has been trained as an Ausbildung trainer this time.
I thought it was beneficial to be qualified in two weeks, and through TtT I was able to learn a lot while teaching trainees. I felt that two weeks of training was short. But I think it was meaningful and the contents that I learned would help me a lot at work. Thank you for your effort and I will do my best to be a trainer at work. Thank you for your hard work in this hot weather."
"I'm trainer B (01/2021/AusbilderXX).
You've done a great job to prepare for the training and assessment. Sincerely it's the best education I've ever had. I feel like my life has been upgraded. And if you will ever visit us, please don't hesitate to contact me the day before you come to Changwon. I'll treat you to fresh sashimi and soju. Haha, have a good day and once again, you did a great job! "
Opinion on education and basic issues
- I think it is a great opportunity to change the opinion of the trainers in a good way, especially if they have no experience.
- Through AdA I learned how to lead trainees correctly as a trainer. That is why AdA is very important to me.
- AdA was very informative for me. Because I can not only learn how to teach Trainees during training, but also what leadership means.
- After taking the AdA course, I feel more mature.
- I am satisfied with the structured process of the AdA course. The advantage of AdA is that each participant can participate actively in the lessons. It would be better if we had more time.
- It was good to talk with others about certain situations. I think it is a lesson in which you can learn a lot not only as a trainer but also as a human being.
Opinion on Training Course
- AdA gives me a new direction. This allows me to learn new types of teaching. Now I have gained more confidence in presentations. I think I can now teach better. Thank you for your useful lesson.
- It is very helpful to learn different types of teaching methods.
After the TtT...
R&R as Trainer
- It was a great opportunity to understand deeply about Ausbildung. And As a trainer, I feel more responsible.
- It was a great chance to put myself on the both sides of trainees and trainers.
- I am personally satisfied with the whole process and contents of TtT. Especially the enthusiastic, structured and proactive attitude of the Trainer was really impressive.
- I’ve learned about the roles and responsibilities as a prepared trainer more specifically.
-It was meaningful to strengthen theoretical background in regards to the educational methods(how to deal with trainees, most effective way of training etc.) which has been discussed during the workshop before.
-Thanks for helping me to find blind spots toward training. TtT was a big chance to improve myself not just as an Ausbildung trainer but also as an employee.
-It was a great time to know many useful things that can be applicable in life.
- I think TtT is a well-established training curriculum. Though this curriculum has developed as “Ausbildung Train-the-Trainer”, it would be really helpful also for our Managers regarding the pedagogical methodology.
- It was meaningful time for me and I hope that there will be more opportunities to students who are seeking for their jobs and dreams like Ausbildung program.
- Fully satisfied with this training! Hope more people can participate in this!!