
AHK Korea offers a "Berufsbildung" program in addition to the classical Ausbildung. "Berufsbildung" is targeted at College Graduates appling for their first job.

With AHK Korea, companies set out the content of the program and the duration. AHK Korea will chaperon the program and ensures its quality. At the end, the certificate of AHK Korea will be granted.

This program can be designed and implemented in principle for all sectors.

Small and medium-sized enterprises particularly benefit from this very efficient approach. This makes companies more attractive to the graduates. Experience has proven that the number of applicants for these companies has increased substantially.

Our current program is carried out with DB Schenker Korea. During this one-year “Berufsbildung” program, the trainees and others are taught soft skills and technical contents by specially qualified trainers (see TtT). This way, the new professionals acquire qualifications that complete their college education and thus help the company generate competent employees in a short period of time.

Here, together with DB Schenker, we have developed a one-year program that is 100% geared to the needs of the company.

This has been carried out for 3 years now and is very successful and to the great satisfaction of all concerned.

If you are interested, please contact us. We, AHK Korea are happy to help you to make your young people fit their daily work needs.