Sponsorship Opportunities

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KGCCI Innovation Awards honor the great innovations made in Korea or for the Korean market
and connect Korean and German innovators with each other.

The KGCCI Innovation Awards provide companies with a great opportunity
to display their creativity and innovative power as well, to leverage their business and brand.

Don’t miss this opportunity and benefit from this!

Leading Innovation!

KRW 10,000,000 (excl. VAT)

  • Innovation-focused exposure on communication and media channels 
  • Large company logo on KGCCI web related materials & projection during the awards
  • Verbal introduction during the awards
  • Presentation of sponsors in post event promotions
  • 8 complimentary tickets with sponsor logo on table; positioned closest to the stage (first come, first serve basis)

Creating Innovation

KRW 6,000,000 (excl. VAT)

  • Medium company logo on KGCCI web related materials & projection during the awards
  • Verbal introduction during the awards
  • Presentation of sponsors in post event promotions
  • 4 complimentary tickets (individual seating), upgrade to full table possible

Supporting Innovation

KRW 3,500,000 (excl. VAT)

  • Small company logo on KGCCI web related materials & projection during the awards
  • Verbal introduction during the awards
  • Presentation of sponsors in post event promotions
  • 2 complimentary tickets (individual seating), upgrade to full table possible

Company Table (à 8 pers.)

KRW 3,000,000 (excl. VAT)

  •  Company logo sign on table
  • Company logo projection during the awards
  • Table positioned close to the stage (first come, first serve basis)

KGCCI Innovation Awards 2023 - Sponsorship Opportunities